Jan 30, 2022Cell Games’ “Relics” deserves to be played as loudly as possible for they unleash a force of nature.Cell Games – Relics Hyperactive to its core, Cell Games offers a truly original take on the metal on the intense rush of “Relics”. Done...
Jul 24, 2021Okay, I love everything about Tesla Shamans’ track “Shamans”. Tesla Shamans – Shamans Okay, I love everything about Tesla Shamans’ track “Shamans”. They really pull no punches – right from almost...
Jun 19, 2021Searing intensity radiates throughout the assault on the senses.Crimson Clean Sweep – Hexes Searing intensity radiates throughout the assault on the senses that is Crimson Clean Sweep’s cryptic...
Mar 14, 2021Kite Thief goes for a colossal slice of hard-hitting heavy rock on the intense trip of “Sweepstake”.Kite Thief – Sweepstake Kite Thief goes for a colossal slice of hard-hitting heavy rock on the intense trip of “Sweepstake”. Interesting...