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A catchy and thoughtful piece of pop, 5ON5 embrace a hybrid of styles with “Runaway”.

5ON5 – Runaway

A catchy and thoughtful piece of pop, 5ON5 embrace a hybrid of styles with “Runaway”. Delivered with urgency, the song gets propelled forward thanks to that infectious giddy groove. The genre mixing, from pop to EDM to hip-hop to indie rock, all these things enter into the fray resulting in a sound that defies easy categorization. Vocal treatment helps to give the song a neon-hued sense of splendor, with the little intricate details feeling outright joyous to behold. Everything features a slight nod towards futurism, as the song has a wild unpredictable aspect to it making sure that nothing ever remains constant for too long.

The song does not waste a moment in getting started, for right from the first moment the track moves. Various little flourishes enter the fray, at times drawing upon the thoughtfulness of the Postal Service’s equally joyous output. Akin to their output, 5ON5 makes sure that it all comes together in a delirious joyous fashion, for it has a great energy to it. Full of unexpected surprises, the journey has a power to it for it seemingly washes over the listener. Lyrics are chosen with care and the poetry of his word choice has a warm welcoming presence to it all. Over the course of the piece, it seemingly bursts at the seams. For the final track on the EP they offer a rather creative party mix that closes things off on a celebratory note.

“Runaway” revels in 5ON5’s uncanny ability to craft hooks out of a whole slew of approaches resulting in a truly unique voice.



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