A tortured anguish defines the pitch-black darkness of KAYBLE’s “Into The Nightmare”

KAYBLE - Into The Nightmare
A tortured anguish defines the pitch-black darkness of KAYBLE’s “Into The Nightmare”. Sung with such sorrow, there is a great heaviness to the whole of the work. With nods to groups like Alice in Chains and the theatrical grace of Type O Negative, KAYBLE holds nothing back letting it all out. His voice cries out into the infinite for the lyrics further display the loneliness that consumes everything. Done to perfection, the sweeping approach further adds some gravity to the bleak vision that he presents.

No light enters this mix, it in many ways represents the hopelessness that so many feels at this very given moment. By refusing to budge from this position the song explores this spirit in full, allowing every reiteration of the theme as another opportunity to look for an escape. Yet there is no way to do so for the whole of the piece weighs heavily on the heart. Everything about it, the multi-faceted, multi-layered style has a universality to it all, making sure that his presence draws a bit from Trent Reznor’s early Nine Inch Nails output, for he keeps the arrangement simple yet ever so effective. For the finale he lets the thing rip itself apart as there is a conflict that gets a bit resolved, not in a positive sense more in a resignation.

“Into The Nightmare” revels in KAYBLE’s uncanny ability to shed a bit of light onto the tragic moments, those that linger in the soul for years after the fact.