A unique take on classic English dancehall music with “Nothing Succeeds Like Sussex”.

Liza Oppenheimer - Nothing Succeeds Like Sussex
Liza Oppenheimer features an incredible, unique take on classic English dancehall music with “Nothing Succeeds Like Sussex”. The layers have been added with such dignity. Rare is a buildup of the sound that is this good. Genre-wise they have a great degree of style, from traditional dancehall to EDM to dub and even further out. By far her vocal delivery has a timelessness to it. At times both ancient and extremely modern, the way she brings out these elements is a delight. Over the course of the piece, one is reminded a bit of the militaristic third Portishead album, for there is that same tension and staccato-rhythms utilized.

The beginning starts things off very small and they elaborate in a way that adds to its majesty. Everything else about it has a particular cadence to it. Sculpted to perfection there is a grandeur to how it all unfurls. Done wonderfully, the whole of the piece features a great balance to it. Going for something that has a grandeur to it, in a way that feels perfect. Over the course of the piece, it sort of comes together in a way that adds to the allure of the experience. With a state of exploration that is truly fantastic, they make sure to pull everything into the mix as it becomes quite dense.
“Nothing Succeeds Like Sussex” presents Liza Oppenheimer as a truly exceptional blender of genres in a way that gets woven together into a fine tapestry, one that blooms with colour.