An angelic tone gives Noralyn’s “One Of The Few” a true sense of magic.

Noralyn - One Of The Few
An angelic tone gives Noralyn’s “One Of The Few” a true sense of magic. Things have a beautiful delicate flavour to them. By deftly sidestepping any easy categorization she embraces a timeless take to the spirit of her sound. Piano has a glowing, melodic richness serving as the rhythmic backbone of the whole piece. Forgoing traditional rhythm, the song has a pastoral aura behind it. Stylistically rooted in a mixture of folk and classical, there is a tenderness to the power of her voice. Not commanding, her delivery has an inviting presence about it, one that encourages the listener to enter her unique aural universe.

The piano glistens from the very first moment, with almost Steve Reich-like repetition. Yet the evolution of the sound does occur, it simply does so ever so gradually. Allowing the natural tempo to take over gives it a dreamy disposition. Best of all her lyricism seems aptly suited to the nature of what surrounds her. Surrealism and poetry blend together further adding to the unique nature of the track. Nor does it overstay its welcome, she knows exactly how to draw the listener in, to evolve the sound, and to bring it to a close. Less of a pop song and more of a meditation, there is a love to it, one that feels particularly affectionate, from the grandest to the most granular details filtered into the mix.
“One Of The Few” features a bold and ambitious outlook, making Noralyn a master of serene exploration.