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Brandon Poletti brings a soulfulness to the folk musings of “Charlotte Avenue”.

Brandon Poletti - Charlotte Avenue

Brandon Poletti brings a soulfulness to the folk musings of “Charlotte Avenue”. A sense of reflection dominates much of the lyricism. Verses here play and build off of each other. His voice has a kindness behind it, with the compassion helping to lead the sound forward. Layer upon layer of the sound enters into the fray. Guitar work has a nimbleness to it. He focuses heavily on the guitar work for it neatly accompanies the sheer power of his poetic lyricism. Everything here works for he incorporates a degree of light within the sound. So much of this airiness that feels outright wonderful, for there is a natural pastoral quality to it.

A glowing keyboard takes hold over the work. Guitar enters slowly, and that nice electric twang further adds to the spaciousness of the whole thing. Melodies intermingle, for they are developed in a steady patient. Within the sound itself the many elements bounce off each other. Upon the rest of the band coming into focus there is a power to be felt, one that feels a little less alone than what first began the piece. Community and togetherness start to become of the essence for the bass has a taut little piece of attention. Interplay amongst the band further adds to the sense of place that the song explores fully and completely. True love for its surroundings there is a passion to it, one that he develops and elaborates upon as the song unspools.

“Charlotte Avenue” features the gorgeousness of Brandon Poletti’s storytelling.



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