Delivered with such poise, Son Phonetic delivers something straight from the heart on “24 Hours”.
Son Phonetic - 24 Hours
Son Phonetic explores a sense of community on the poignant and powerful flows of “24 Hours”. Very much on that old school kick, there is a great vibe that runs through the whole of the track. From the gorgeous scratching that effortlessly punctuates the sound to the soulful sample that is looped in such a serene way, it all works. Best of all are the vocalists whose own unique style feels outright beautiful to behold. All poets in their own delicate way, everything about the track stuns quite simply from the way they all possess their own unique style to the way it all seems perfectly flowing when taken in as a singular, unified whole.
The crackle of the vinyl adds to the mystique of the opening, for the vibrant piano work effortlessly blends with the limber groove. Beats here have a light, gentle nimbleness as they skitter in between the words. Lyrics rest in the very center of the track featuring such tremendous detail that blooms in unexpectedly gorgeous way, with sweeping gestures that feel outright lovely. Usage of the transitions adds to the overall effect, for they trade off in a way that adds to the sense of togetherness that draws the whole of the piece close. Little gestures matter a great deal for it is in these small moments that the track shines, for the atmosphere in the sound is everything.
Delivered with such poise, Son Phonetic delivers something straight from the heart on “24 Hours”.