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Done with such grace, cole sculpts a yearning for serenity on the soulful “Overwhelmed!”.

cole - Overwhelmed!

“Overwhelmed!” shows off cole’s uncanny ability to explore space with a soothing ballad that taps into the very zeitgeist. Everything is stripped down to the very essentials. Rhythm has a pastoral quality to it, forgoing heavy beats for something subtle. The melodic richness washes over everything, as the lovely tones have an ambient bliss about them. Layer upon layer comes through with a painterly precision, as there is an impressionistic quality them. Spaciousness reigns supreme for his sound explores the seemingly infinite. Best of all his voice has a ghostly presence to it, full of passion yet somehow conversational. With the looping, cyclical approach of the piece there is a meditative spirit that helps to tie it all together. Lyrics have an abstract view further expanding out.

A hushed awe introduces the track and cole never loses this initial spark. The buildup of the work has a genteel emphasis. Nothing here is rushed it all takes its time in developing the potent atmosphere that reigns supreme over the whole of the piece. Word choice here has a profound beauty to it, for he appears to be on an epic journey for some semblance of peace. By allowing this to be the main focus of the work, there is a grandeur to it. For the latter half of the song he lets this spark grew, feeding it little by little until it outright expands into the very sky.

Done with such grace, cole sculpts a yearning for serenity on the soulful “Overwhelmed!”.



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