Edgar Allan Poets features a dark beautiful take on hard rock with the intensity of “Last Dance”.

Edgar Allan Poets - Last Dance
Edgar Allan Poets features a dark beautiful take on hard rock with the intensity of “Last Dance”. Volume is a given for they go with a full force as the wave crashes over everything in sight. Guitars have an epic sprawling sweep to them, at times drawing closely to an orchestral, symphonic gait behind all of it. References to their approach abound for there is a bit of metal, a bit of gothic, and a lot of heavy rock influences to be found. Perhaps the closest analog to their approach would be Type O Negative at their most uninhibited and freewheeling, for there is a driving pulse that underpins much of the track.

They waste no time for the sound comes out fully formed and completely chaotic. Riffs churn with an industrial gleam as the churn of the rhythm helps to further crush everything in their path. By refusing to ever let up they dive headfirst into a wild, crazed approach one that has a certain degree of mystery behind it. Evolution of the sound further lends some credence to a bit of classical influences, even hints of Wagner that help to lead the piece forward. Lyrics maintain this aloof quality making sure that the verses are balanced yet never reveal too much. Building up to a fantastic finale the final stretch allows them great freedom in completely letting go.
“Last Dance” revels in Edgar Allan Poets uncanny ability to deliver something that touches the very soul with a haunting, harrowing sound.
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