I Am The Mountain goes for a spirited, soulful search on “Overthinking Conversations”.

I Am The Mountain - Overthinking Conversations
I Am The Mountain goes for a spirited, soulful search on “Overthinking Conversations”. A nice folk orchestral approach takes root adding to the honeyed quality of the vocals. There is a subdued quality to the way that the song unfurls giving it a degree of tenderness. Nods to Fleet Foxes are unavoidable, for there is that same level of restraint used. Beyond this, they even take a page from the giganticness and tasteful grace of Lambchop, something that more bands really ought to follow. Everything about it implies a vast wide-open space full of possibilities. Lyricism matters a great deal for they have a compassionate quality to them, no matter how many different suites they incorporate within it.
Things start out as a mere whisper. From that initial impulse they quite literally bring the listener on a vast journey. With a sound that stretches out for almost eight minutes, they touch upon a slew of different genres. Driving rock, garage rock, jazz, folk, country, they do it all. Better still they do all of it well. Vocals here do a fantastic job in keeping up with the rise and fall in energy. Akin to watching the waves ebb and flow on the river, there is a careful cadence he keeps up with. Verses have a poetry to them for they tell the tale of a life in flux, one of the life most fully explored.
“Overthinking Conversations” has a stately elegance to it, for I Am The Mountain deliver a slow-burning beauty of a track.