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KrizRok sings straight from the soul on the powerful classic rock spirit of “Goodbye”.

KrizRok – Goodbye

KrizRok sings straight from the soul on the powerful classic rock spirit of “Goodbye”. The vocals here possess such passion to them. Arrangements further add to the sheer power of his words, for every single hit of the beat seems to emphasize his point. Stylistically it draws from indie rock and classic rock in a rather elegant way. By far the true center, the very core of the work rests with his vocals. Sung with fire and passion there is a love there, one that guides the entirety of the journey along. References to the Flaming Lips’ ballads alongside a neat hint of country helps to ensure that the whole thing opens up in a way that feels quite natural.

The drums start things setting the tempo and tenor of the work. His vocals bloom forth with a neat mixture of storytelling and poetry. Full of exquisite detail he pours his heart out over the course of the work. Inclusion of little details that gradually take up more and more space further add to the timelessness of the guitar. An acidic guitar riff seems to reference a little bit of the psychedelic, of the dreamer, within the narrative. Layer upon layer of sound is brought into the fray yet there is never the sense of too much. Rather, by keeping the whole thing balanced he brings a soothing, meditative aspect to the overall track.

Done with grace and dignity, KrizRok delivers a poignant piece on the tender “Goodbye”.



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