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Lady Silver Comment on Fake News with New Single ‘News of the World’

Starting with a deep, feel-it-in-your-chest drumbeat alongside a TV reporter introducing ‘the news’, and shortly followed by a gritty guitar riff that you already know you won’t forget any time soon, we know straight away that this Tel-Aviv band are not messing about.

Frontman and guitarist Max Spon, who studied in Manchester for 5 years, then throws his deep, velvety, Alex Turner-esque vocals into the equation as he smoothly navigates his way through the verses, exposing the world’s darkest secrets including China being non-existent and the Earth not being round. The chorus line ‘it’s the news of the world’ makes this track a ready-made festival anthem.

The key change at the bridge part of the song is a brilliant surprise, and the instrumentation takes on a much more spacey, atmospheric approach, followed by the lyric ‘let’s end on a good note’. Here, we’re assured that the climate is fine; nothing to worry about! Oh wait, no! Then comes the lyrics ‘maybe I am getting paid to say all of that’, bringing back the panic and confusion about what’s real and what’s not, as the world’s main news outlets become less and less reliable.

The punchline lyric of ‘adventure’ being ‘just one click bait away’ makes it a very topical song set in the modern day, whilst its sound has influences of older rock bands, as well as newer bands like the Arctic Monkeys.

Listen to the social commentary banger ‘News of the World’, from Lady Silver’s upcoming album ‘Circus Pop’.



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