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MACY proves to possess a powerful voice on the carefully crafted “Rainbow Eyes”.

MACY - Rainbow Eyes

MACY proves to possess a powerful voice on the carefully crafted “Rainbow Eyes”. With a unique blend of classic and modern pop influences, there is a giddy energy about the whole of the work. Volume is a must for hers is an expansive sound one that feels multifaceted and multi-layered, resulting in a swirling, neon-hued sort of style. Best of all are those grooves that have nods to classic 80s tracks alongside some of the retro enthusiasts like Washed Out and Neon Indian. Genre-wise firmly rooted in pop, she incorporates elements of R&B, hip-hop, and EDM into the fray.

After a small flutter of electronics, that bass hits with the right degree of funkiness to it. The rhythm takes over. She rides the beat with outright majesty, for her confidence is undeniable. Lyrics flow on through without any stopping her. Word choice is done with the greatest of care as a melody gradually comes into the picture. Every sound matters and despite its easy-going attitude, this track feels like a true labour of love, for it is the small details that matter. Right during the heaviest parts of the track there is almost an ancient dustiness to the way that the many layers comingle to create something that feels so riveting to fully take on. For the final stretch she lets loose, letting her hair down as the song comes to a fantastic conclusion.

“Rainbow Eyes” revels in a tremendous amount of colour for MACY has an irresistible allure thanks to her gorgeous delivery, wonderful hooks, and fantastic rhythms.



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