Mary Ellen captures the inherent terror of a terrible situation on the intense “He Got A Gun”.

Mary Ellen - He Got A Gun
Mary Ellen captures the inherent terror of a terrible situation on the intense “He Got A Gun”. The updated bluesy style goes perfectly with the specific moment in time. For the arrangement itself works to support her vocals, never raising itself above a whisper to add further urgency to the lyrics themselves. Word choice here matters with the layered lyricism feeling enthralling. By keeping things quiet, a paranoid tension-filled universe begins to take hold. Additionally, her razor-sharp focus further adds to the wildness of the message making sure everything comes together in a fantastic way.

Right from the beginning there is an interior monologue aspect to the piece that gives it a unique appeal. The instruments here are used sparingly yet effectively. With the right degree of edge she holds nothing back, for the vivid situation comes into view. The song dives further and further into a sense of unease. From the groove itself to the way that the song slowly consumes the listener whole, there is a power within it. Adhering to the idea that “less is more” she draws the listener in by keeping things on the quieter side of things, which syncs up with her message. Done with such a sense of timelessness sadly, there is no clear resolution to the piece. Rather, she leaves that little element up to the listener to interpret in their own way.
“He Got A Gun” shows off Mary Ellen’s uncanny ability to sculpt an entire atmosphere with her moody delivery proving to be absolutely chilling.