Nick, I am makes a hip-hop pop track that gets the party started with “Jump”.

Nick, I Am - Jump
A great polish and perfection define Nick, I Am. Nick, I am makes a hip-hop pop track that gets the party started with “Jump”. The whole of the piece possesses such volume that it is a given that the song will absolutely invite the listener into the hyperactive, shimmering world. With a distinct dancefloor flavour there are good vibes to be found deep in the track’s very soul for the entirety of the piece is a real mood lift.
Right from the beginning they make sure to set the groove just in a gorgeous way. Everything about the piece features a great degree of energy. Beats virtually bounce in a way that feels wonderful. Layer upon layer comes on into the fray, filtering into the mix making the piece outright gorgeous. By far the highlight of the sound emerges on the tremendous vocals, with lyrics that have a beauty about it. Word choice here matters for every single verse has a balance to it. Done with so much confidence the way that the piece swaggers about features a great swinging style. Nods to EDM has a kindness to it, for the beats have a power to them. All of it features this great propulsive energy. Drenched in such sunshine there is a distinct summer jam quality to it, one that celebrates the importance of togetherness that feels apt.

“Jump” revels in Nick, I am’s uncanny ability to craft a universe that celebrates true he togetherness.