“Shame” proves to be a stellar, soulful track, one that proves Under Delusion’s powerful chops.

Under Delusion – Shame
A sly sultry style defines Under Delusion’s grunge rock referencing “Shame”. Here they take a page from Hole as the piece has a defiant stance that makes it a true joy to behold. Volume is a must for their arena-level hooks are on full display. This is a gigantic, sprawling sound in spite of its short duration for they say everything they need to say. By far the highlight emerges as the raw, grit and soul of the vocals which contain multitudes. Quite concisely they embody an entire lifetime lived to the fullest, the ups and the downs, and do so with such gusto.

They waste no time as they start things up immediately with limber nimble guitar riffs setting the tone for what follows. Additional pieces of the sound enter the fray with such delicacy as the song has an unbelievable force of nature behind it. Beats have a unique mixture of grunge, trip hop, and more filter into the power of the sound. Steady buildup of the tension growing it to an unbelievable degree occurs for they let the listener get a little bit uncomfortable. Lyrics have a confessional aspect to them for they roll on through, further adding to this anxious spirit. Upon the release of all of this the way it bursts in a bright pop of colour feels sorely needed for the trip is an intense one.

“Shame” proves to be a stellar, soulful track, one that proves Under Delusion’s powerful chops as they create an unruly beast of a sound.