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Splaze goes for a giddy piece of infectious pop on the bright burst of energy that is “Wish I Knew”.

Splaze - Wish I Knew

Splaze goes for a giddy piece of infectious pop on the bright burst of energy that is “Wish I Knew”. The production here has a flawlessness to it one that has a great driving spirit behind it. Full of infectious hooks, the way that they weave it all together adds to the exquisite detail of the work. Beyond the clear origins in electronica, they bring about elements of classical, dance and more into a singular whole. Full of so much energy, it never lets up constantly being driven forward. His vocals have an intimacy to them making sure it all interacts to create this living, breathing ecosystem.

Quiet piano keys introduce the piece in a careful manner, making sure it sets the tone for what follows. His voice comes into the fray making sure it has that lovely touch to it. Never overdoing it, the buildup of the piece has a careful patient consistence about it. With each additional reiteration the way it unfurls feels to be a blissful quality about it. There is a sense of community that the song explores, one of a bit of yearning to it. Such a clever aspect to it there is a way that it all seems to rush on through into the sky. Virtually swooping on up into the sky, the way that they build the sound up gives it a tasteful, stately presence.

“Wish I Knew” shows off Splaze’s deft skill in creating a clever balance between a passionate ballad and a soulful EDM sound.



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