Done with a blurred bit of beauty, Man Of Met crafts a swirling, churning physical force of nature.

Man Of Met - Pac Poster
Man Of Met spits pure fire on the blazing “Pac Poster”. His flow has a flawless, classic quality to it for he lines up verse after verse in a way that becomes simply stunning. The rhythm goes for a woozy, warped, and weird noir-jazz cadence to it. From his delivery to the strained, deranged sample, the whole of the piece has a few nods to the late and great MF Doom. Akin to Doom’s approach, Man Of Met ensures that there is a dazed surrealism with his word choice, as he flips in and out of the overall mix in a way that becomes confrontational.

The song starts out coming into focus slowly and gradually. With carefully selected snippets of found voice, the song’s mood is set immediately. His voice truly begins the grand procession for he holds nothing back. Every single line adds to the sheer heft and magnitude of the track, for it all has a disconnected chaotic sense of splendour behind it. By ensuring that the tempo keeps a wobbly pace, the song goes for dreamlike imagery. Certainly, this is reflected within the lyrics and the word choice, which has a storytelling, even literary bent to it all. Volume is a must for there is an intensity to the performance that deserves to be felt into the very bones of it all in a way that is clear-eyed.

Done with a blurred bit of beauty, Man Of Met crafts a swirling, churning physical force of nature with “Pac Poster”.