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Jessie Slattery

Half Shadow goes for a fevered dream of a sound with “Moonless (Unmoored)”.

Half Shadow - Moonless (Unmoored)

A wonderful piece of rural psychedelic, Half Shadow goes for a fevered dream of a sound with “Moonless (Unmoored)”. The unpredictability of the track allows it to have a completely gorgeous cadence to it. Instrumentally a great deal of detail comes into the mix. Everything bursts at the very seams for there is a grandeur to all of it, one that feels doubly refreshing. With a degree of moodiness, the atmosphere changes in a masterful way. By far the heart of the sound comes from his voice, which commands the listener’s attention.

Hushed awe begins the work. Guitar work features a degree of nimbleness. Kept slow the tempo has a steadiness to it. Thus, every gesture has a rhythm to it. Patience is an important ally to the whole of the work. By the time the drums enter into the equation the song becomes expansive. Everything here works for the sheer haze, the stuff that washes over the listener. Such vivid elements emerge out of the cycles that are brought into the fray. Over the course of the buildup the song starts to become delirious. Little details from the beginning return to become ever more unhinged, feral, and clear-eyed with this intent. All of it has a kindness one that seemingly starts to separate itself from the rest of the world. Ever so elaborate the many layers collide and eventually collapse into silence.

“Moonless (Unmoored)” shows off the poetic beauty of Half Shadow’s storytelling, with verses that linger on in the mind.



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