LIL S3MI goes so hard with “ADHD”. Done with such grace the whole of the flow has such fire to it.

LIL S3MI goes so hard with “ADHD”. Done with such grace the whole of the flow has such fire to it. There is not enough volume in the world to truly appreciate it. Bass here reigns supreme for the beats hit very hard. While the arrangement itself has a rawness to it, the sheer intensity of the song stuns. Vocals here are the real show stealer, for there is a wild feral energy to it. Everything here works wonders and they make sure that the piece has a brutality to it. Done with such delicacy the rest of the track goes hard into the red. So much distortion gets thrown around and the tempos are brought way past their comfort zone.
A jagged, raw noise starts things up and strangely enough, helps to set the tone for what follows. His hyperactive delivery recalls a bit of hyperpop’s speed and excess, for it veers uncontrollably. Little riffs and melodies are intermingled within the sound, but his voice has a potency to it. Unlike a lot of the softer rappers out, he serves as the popular opposite of mumblecore, instead getting right up in the listener’s face. For somebody who grew up with this sort of insane, crazed sound I appreciate him doing it tremendous justice. Nor does he ever let up, rather he doubles down on the wildness making sure that there is literally no escape.

“ADHD” features a great dexterity to it, for LIL S3MI’s approach has an old-school hardcore style.