Hard rock, hip-hop, and pop come together with an industrial edged noise on _JSR_’s “Inside".

_JSR_ - Inside
Hard rock, hip-hop, and pop come together with an industrial edged noise on _JSR_’s no-holds-barred trip of “Inside”. They double down on the aggression featuring a piece that twists and contorts itself in genuinely disturbing ways. Within this hybrid approach, they tap a little into Death Grips’ unpredictability and unrelenting rage. Best listened to at the highest possible volume for maximum impact they ensure that the multiple layers of sound become quite easy to get lost in, making sure that the colours pop and the riffs race on through. Instrumentally too they choose a degree of vibrancy in how they allow the sound to unfold.

An acoustic guitar strummed quickly begins things and it only gets weirder from there. The acid-fried scream of the electric guitar adds to the intensity of the piece. Lyrics themselves are sung with urgency for they hold absolutely nothing back. Nods to a sick sense of glee take hold while the rest of the track comes into focus with such care. Everything about the sound works wonders, and its kaleidoscopic array further adds to the universality of the piece. Darting about with abandon, there is nothing that truly holds it back. A fully freeing sound it is propelled forward by a strong sense of desire, one that burns right in the very heart of the piece. By the finale they let it all loose in a way that feels well-earned.
“Inside” revels in _JSR_’s uncanny ability to sculpt an entire universe one that has such a visceral, thought-provoking presence behind it all.