Pete Beat Delivers Sad-Pop Perfection.

Pete Beat is a solo artist who lives and works in Newcastle upon Tyne, UK. His ‘career’ began in 2006 with a single release on a small American tech-house label. This led to appearing as a vocalist on a Russian trance record a year later, these events providing inspiration to keep on making music. Pete has released two albums, both within the space of a year, which followed several EPs and singles released over the last 10 years. Previous releases have gained BBC 6Music and BBC Newcastle airplay, and very positive comments from DJ’s including BBC 6Music’s Tom Robinson.
A multi-instrumentalist and producer too, Pete is pretty damn unstoppable right now. Latest single ‘Homesick Night’ is another glorious track, which follows two previous releases, all taken from his upcoming album ‘Before The War’ out this April. In ‘Homesick Night’, Pete Beat's vivid lyrics paint the picture of hopeless loneliness turned hope. We've all been there; isolated and a little broken. BUT reassures Pete, you're not alone at all. With every cloud there's a silver lining…
On the origins of the song Pete tells us in more detail: "I wrote this one recently on the train to Manchester on a work trip on a dull rainy day. It took me back to a feeling of homesickness when I was returning to study there, many years ago. The first half year was good, but then my group of friends from halls disbanded due to one person dropping out, and another having to leave the city due to an ill conceived plan to rip off some shady characters. But then year 2 and 3 I was partying with my friends in Newcastle on a weekend and my new Manc friends who were part of the same crew so it all came good.”
He’s a down-to-earth chap Pete Beat, yet don’t be fooled - he’s mighty talented.