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Roger Ricks goes for a rollicking good time on the classic rock cadence of “Break The Cycle”.

Roger Ricks - Break The Cycle

Roger Ricks goes for a rollicking good time on the classic rock cadence of “Break The Cycle”. There is a passion, a fire that rests right in the center. From this initial spark the entirety of the song is set ablaze. Garage rock, the blues, even a hint of country runs through the sound’s very DNA. Exceptional guitar work does a great job in fully punctuating the power of his words. By far the absolute highlight comes from his fantastic vocal delivery. Lines are sculpted for there is a brilliance to be found about the way the poetry flows on through.

They waste no time in getting the mood started for the rush of joyous energy feels absolutely intoxicating. With that burst of energy, they make sure the whole of the experience has a gritty soul about it. Interplay here helps to give the song a communal presence. Rhythmically there is a driving force to the entire vision, one that draws from the past as much as the present. A sense of place enters into the fray as well, for there is just that right amount of yearning that makes the song a true delight. For the final stretch they let the seams get a little loose for the song embraces a bit more chaos than before which closes things off on a high note.

“Break The Cycle” features the exquisite talent of Roger Ricks for there is a raw, visceral intensity to the approach that has a timeless ode about it.



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